Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The fear that haunts us all

OK so here it is the beginning of the blogging career. I suppose its not a bad idea to spill the thoughts that my brain gears churn out. Well at least its good for me for others well it may be a debatable statement. But as they say we will cross that bridge in due time. There is something to be said with me and taking chances, and that is well I have always tended to stay on the safe side. Well in the past week I took a chance and its pretty cool how it all unfolded. There was a certain amount or rush with walking on a razors edge but it worked out pretty well for me. Yes its about a girl! But its more than what it seems its the whole thought process change that I experienced. Its not an easy thing to say but I have always been on the side to feel sorry for people when things are going bad for them. Yes we need to be compassionate and extend a helping hand and I believe I put in a good faith effort in that. What I gained from meeting this girl and getting to know her is that you help people you encourage them you extend the helping hand. But don't just hold their hand as they waller in their sorrow. Pick them up help them move along from whats causing them sadness and grief. For a longest time I had trouble understanding this and really applying it. But really in talking to her and understanding it has changed me already. So I have a friend who is not happy with his job not happy with his family and he talks to me to blow off steam. Hell that's what friends are for. But he also wants to stay in that sorrow puddle because it does get comfortable I know from experience. So today he had a bad day and was just ranting and raving and I listed to him made sure he is all right. But the difference is I am pointing him in the direction that we all have a bad day and if you think that is the worst day ever well its over and the next one has to be better so we move on. Did he like it probably not right away. But these things sink in and there is a realization at the end of that road and that's its a therapeutic process helping someone move along and into a better situation. So I want to thank you, and yes you know who you are :) for the life lesson. A dive into somewhat of an unknown can unearth a wonderful treasure at the end. Sure did for me.

1 comment:

  1. I am so touched. I'm just happy to be doing good works :) Thank you for this!
